
The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther


The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther

132 pages

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During the Protestant Reformation, God awakened His church as His Word thundered from pulpits throughout Europe. One of the leading preachers during this time was Martin Luther, the man regarded as the father of the Reformation.

Luther devoted his life to restoring the truth of the Bible to the heart of the church. He spent long hours writing commentaries and treatises explaining the Scriptures. He delivered countless lectures in the classroom and engaged in public debates to defend biblical teaching. But nowhere did the fire of Luther’s zeal for the gospel blaze more boldly than from the pulpit. Through this man’s preaching, God ignited a renewal in the church that left the world forever changed.

In The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther, Dr. Steven Lawson tells the gripping story of Luther’s life with a focus on his courage in the pulpit. The German Reformer’s steadfast commitment to God’s truth sets an example for Christians and preachers in a day when the flames of reformation need to be fanned once again.

This book is part of the Long Line of Godly Men Profile Series, edited by Dr. Steven Lawson.

A Long Line of Godly Men Profile Series

Featured Series

A Long Line of Godly Men Profile Series

From Spurgeon to Luther, certain lives throughout church history are remembered as special testaments of God's faithfulness. With Dr. Steven J. Lawson as the series editor, the Long Line of Godly Men Profile Series offers readers an opportunity to learn from these exemplary lives.


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Ligonier Ministries





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