A Survey of Church History, Part 2
A Survey of Church History, Part 2
A.D. 500-1500
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As the Roman Empire gradually crumbled in the fifth century AD, the people of the Mediterranean world turned to the church for leadership and direction in a new era of uncertainty. The next thousand years would prove to be a complex experiment in Christian civilization, one in which the church played a pivotal role in the development of Western government, thought, and culture. Join Dr. W. Robert Godfrey as he explores the hopes, challenges, triumphs, and tragedies of Christianity during the Middle Ages.
Part 1 A.D. 100-600, Part 3 A.D. 1500-1600, Part 4 A.D. 1600-1800, Part 5 A.D. 1800-1900, Part 6 A.D. 1900-2000 or the complete set are also available.
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