A Survey of Church History, Part 5
A Survey of Church History, Part 5
AD 1800–1900
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If we want to understand ourselves and our churches, we need to know where we've been. Despite rising Darwinism, growing liberalism, a wave of revivalism, and many other tremendous challenges, the 19th century was a time of fervent missionary endeavor and a growing Church. In this series, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey surveys the remarkable landscape of the 19th century, illuminating the failures and triumphs of that age and helping us understand the opportunities and challenges of our own day.
Part 1 AD 100-600, Part 2 AD 500-1500, Part 3 AD 1500-1620, Part 4 AD 1600-1800, Part 6 AD 1900-2000 or the complete set are also available.
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