April 2025 Tabletalk
The April 2025 issue of Tabletalk will explore the discipline of apologetics and answer common apologetical questions. The Apostle Peter tells us that we must always be ready to give an answer for the hope within us and that we must give this defense with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Apologetics—the defense of the faith—is therefore the task of every believer. All Christians should be prepared to give at least a brief answer to the most common questions that people have about Christianity and the frequently raised objections to the faith. This issue of Tabletalk will seek to equip Christians to always be ready to give an answer for the hope within them.
Contributors include Burk Parsons, Stephen J. Nichols, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Keith A. Mathison, Kevin DeYoung, John D. Currid, Jared S. Oliphint, Greg Lanier, Bruce P. Baugus, Brandon D. Crowe, James N. Anderson, Greg Koukl, William Boekestein, Robert W. Carver, Sarah Ivill, Derek W.H. Thomas, Eric Bancroft, Tedd Tripp, and Nathan W. Bingham.