
George Whitefield, Volume 2


George Whitefield, Volume 2

The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century Revival

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Many reasons combine to make this full-scale portrait of Whitefield a biography of impressive importance. Whitefield's life provides in itself a story scarcely paralleled. From the age of 24 when he commanded the largest congregations yet seen in America, until his death 30 years later, his was the voice heard by the English-speaking world. By common consent he was the greatest preacher of the 18th Century, and of his preaching gifts J. C. Ryle wrote, "No Englishman, I believe, dead or alive, has ever equaled him."

Volume 2 is the completion of the major biography of the famous Methodist preacher and revivalist. This volume covers the period of 1741-1770. It opens with the doctrinal conflict with the two Wesleys and with a serious division in Methodist ranks. There is a visit to Scotland in which revival reached its high watermark. He spent years evangelizing; went seven times to the American Colonies and Scotland had fifteen visits.

"Masterfully researched and written, this two-volume biography is the thrilling account of George Whitefield, the eighteenth century evangelist whom many regard to be the greatest preacher of the English language. The value of these pages is in seeing the proper balance that must be kept between the sovereignty of God and our mandate in evangelism."
–Steven Lawson

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2.5 Pounds
