God in Our Midst
God in Our Midst
The Tabernacle and Our Relationship with God
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How does an ancient tent in the wilderness of Sinai relate to our relationship with God? The description of the tabernacle, God's Old Testament dwelling place, spans sixteen chapters of the Bible. Yet many of us pass over this extended description without understanding its significance. In this series, Rev. Daniel R. Hyde encourages us to consider this "tent of meeting" (Ex. 27:21). By studying the particulars of this first tabernacle, we will better understand Jesus, the One who dwelt, or "tabernacled," among us (John 1:14).
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Daniel R. Hyde's
God in Our Midst
In this book, Rev. Hyde shows that the tabernacle narratives have much to teach us about God Himself, about sin, about redemption in Christ, and about how we are to live for God today. Above all, by interpreting these narratives according to solid hermeneutical principles and New Testament revelation, Rev. Hyde shows that these passages reveal Christ.