Lessons from the Upper Room
Lessons from the Upper Room
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Knowing the time was fast approaching for Him to depart this world, Jesus spent His final hours with His closest friends. As the disciples sat with their master, unaware of what would soon take place, Jesus served them, taught them, and prayed for them.
In this twelve-part teaching series, Lessons from the Upper Room, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson paints a vivid picture of the disciples' final moments with their Savior. Carefully walking through John 13-17, Dr. Ferguson reminds us of the centrality of Christ in all of life.
"The Father did not require the death of Christ to persuade Him to love us. Christ died because the Father loves us." -Sinclair Ferguson
Order the Study Guide
Take your study further by ordering the accompanying study guide to this teaching series. The study guide is designed to help you engage with the teaching on your own or with a group.
Sinclair Ferguson's
Lessons from the Upper Room
In this book, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson draws us into the intimate hours from the night when Jesus was betrayed. This vivid picture of Christ’s ministry, from His washing the disciples’ feet to His High Priestly Prayer, shows us the heart of Jesus. Discover His deepest desires for His people and take delight in the suffering Savior who has overcome the world.
Messages Included in This Series
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Sinclair B. Ferguson is distinguished visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary and former senior minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C. He is author of numerous books, including In Christ Alone.