Sammy and His Shepherd
“¡Tengo el mejor pastor del mundo! —dijo Sammy—. Sé que nunca me va a faltar de nada”.
Sammy, una oveja que vive feliz bajo el cuidado de su fiel pastor, conoce un día a una ovejita de otro rebaño, la cual vive en condiciones miserables porque su pastor no es tan bondadoso. Con el tiempo, para regocijo de ambos, el pastor de Sammy compra a la ovejita necesitada para su propio rebaño y le pone por nombre Preciosa. A partir de ese momento, Sammy le cuenta a Preciosa todas las cosas maravillosas acerca de su pastor. Al principio a ella le resulta muy difícil creer que el pastor puede ser tan bueno, pero al ir viendo toda la energía que este dedica al bien de su rebaño, empieza a confiar en él porque ve que el amor por sus ovejas es incondicional y sacrificado.
Sammy y su pastor es un recorrido encantador por el Salmo 23. Al leer el libro en familia, los niños no solo entenderán mejor las metáforas que el salmista usó a la hora de componer este poema tan querido, sino que, sobre todo, aprenderán a apreciar más al sujeto de este salmo (el Buen Pastor, Jesucristo) y lo que significa formar parte de su rebaño.
In Sammy and His Shepherd, veteran children's writer Dr. Susan Hunt takes youngsters on a delightful trip through Psalm 23 from the point of view of a sheep named Sammy.
Sammy lives happily under the care of his faithful shepherd. But one day he meets a sheep from another flock, one who lives in misery because her shepherd is not so caring. Eventually, to the delight of both of them, Sammy's shepherd buys the needy little sheep for his flock and gives her a name-Precious. Thereafter, Sammy tells Precious all the wonderful things about their shepherd. At first, Precious has a hard time believing that the shepherd can be so good. But eventually, as she sees the shepherd pouring out his energies for the good of his flock, she comes to trust him, for she sees that he loves his sheep unconditionally and sacrificially.
Each chapter of Sammy and His Shepherd is an exploration of a passage from Psalm 23. As they work through the book, children will grow in their understanding of the metaphors the psalmist used in composing this beloved poem. But more important, they will gain a deeper appreciation for the one who is the subject of the psalm: the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Captivating illustrations by Corey Godbey help Sammy and Precious come to life for children. A special section in the back of the book provides Bible passages, discussion questions, and activities to reinforce the lessons of each chapter.