Why Johnny Can't Preach
T. David Gordon has identified a problem, one that affects us all and needs fixing. Our preaching is just not communicating properly anymore. Fortunately, Gordon not only explains the causes of this failure but also shows us how to make things better.
"No, it's not just you. There's a lot of disappointing preaching today and it's not entirely due to departures from sound principles. It's also affected by the media culture in which we live. While there are helpful studies of popular culture and important books on proper biblical interpretation and theology, this book does both. I couldn't help but wince as I recognized myself in Gordon's descriptions, but he writes so clearly and convincingly that I couldn't help but be grateful."
—Michael Horton, Westminster Seminary California
"An insightful diagnosis of a serious problem in the life of the church. For this we should be grateful as we should for the way out of the crisis to which this book ably points."
—David F. Wells, Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor Of Historical and Systematic Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary